Monday, May 26, 2014

Hunter Mountain Odds and Ends No. 1

Hunter Mountain is a prominent plateau-like mountain in the Cottonwood Mountains that is a pleasant retreat away from the desert below. Much of it is piñon pine forest and holds a fair snowpack much of the winter. In November of 2013 there was several feet of snow on Lee Flat and Hidden Valley,  and drifts were as deep as five feet in some places. The amount of snow on the top of Hunter Mountain is not known but likely greater than either of the aforementioned places. Hunter Mountain is a large granite block that was uplifted long ago and is one of my favorite places in the park, for the springs are abundant and well flowing. The area of Hunter Mountain is steeped in history, as its been used for cattle grazing since the 1870s, when Hunter Cabin was built. This post lists some of the odds and ends of Hunter Mountain exploration.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Death Valley Pictographs #1

This site was not difficult to reach, though took painstaking hours of research to find. I'll leave the location out of this one, it is vandalism free and is a very special place. Be sure to leave no trace.

All of these pictos are in red pigment,  and while there are glyphs over a small area, the pictos only in this small cave on the edge of a stark valley. The cave is in some sort of marble I think, and is essentially a boulder pile but is large enough to stay twenty degrees cooler than the outside air. I crawled through some of the smaller cracks inside to yield no further art. Enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them. Many were enhanced to better show the pigments.

Artifacts should be left where they are. It is illegal to remove them.